June 15, 2019 AUTHOR: Christine Cain CATEGORIES: Tools Tags: , , , ,

Make Plastic Car Trim Look New Again


Meguiars Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer


I’m Donald Bell for Cool Tools and in this video we’re going to take a look at Meguiars Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer. I got a bottle of this for around $7 on Amazon. I’m going to show you why it’s awesome. This is not a sponsored video, and honestly I’m not even sure if I’m pronouncing the brand name right. But if you want to pick this up, using the Amazon link in the description helps support my videos and the Cool Tools blog.

I love my van. It is by far the nicest vehicle I have ever owned. But like a lot of cars and trucks and SUVs I see, the bumper and sides use this unpainted black or dark grey plastic trim.

And after some time in the sun, this stuff starts to look a little bleached and you get these white streaks that don’t look very nice.

I was talking about this with my friend Jordan who restores old Volvos and showed me Meguiars Black Plastic Restorer.

This stuff looks and smells like sunscreen. You just shake it up and put a glob of it on a clean cotton cloth and rub it into the plastic, and it looks brand new. There’s really no extra steps beyond that, and the restored finish lasts for weeks before showing any signs of dryness again.

Not only do I use this on my plastic trim, but it also works great on the vinyl and rubber bits around my windows.

Let me also say that even though this is advertised as “black plastic” restorer, there’s no tint or dye involved and it won’t stain your hands. It’s really like a plastic moisturizer with some UV protection built in.

I’ve been impressed with the results. And if your vehicle has a lot of this raw plastic trim on it, a little wipe of this stuff really makes a big difference.

You can pick some up using the Amazon link in the description. And remember, you can see thousands of reader recommended tools like this at Cool-Tools.org.

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